

  • The DeFi Franc (DCHF): 0x045da4bfe02b320f4403674b3b7d121737727a36

  • Moneta (MON): 0x1ea48b9965bb5086f3b468e50ed93888a661fc17

Stability Pool:

  • ETH Stability Pool: 0x6a9f9d6F5D672a9784c5E560a9648de6cbe2c548

  • wBTC Stability Pool: 0x04556d845f12Ff7D8Ff04a37F40387Dd1B454c4b


  • MON Staking: 0x8Bc3702c35D33E5DF7cb0F06cb72a0c34Ae0C56F

  • Open Positions: 0x77E034c8A1392d99a2C776A6C1593866fEE36a33 All ETH and wBTC that are deposited as Collateral to borrow DCHF.

  • Default Pool: 0xC1f785B74a01dd9FAc0dE6070bC583fe9eaC7Ab5 The Default Pool holds the ETH and DCHF debt (but not DCHF tokens) from liquidations that have been redistributed to active troves but not yet "applied", i.e. not yet recorded on a recipient active trove's struct.

  • MON Liquidity Pool Uniswap: 0x1EA48B9965bb5086F3b468E50ED93888a661fc17

All Contracts:


  • Rewards: 0x83737eae72ba7597b36494d723fbf58cafee8a69

  • Airdrop: 0x1bd03ad578e8c9f457961856842e920881ab2d8c

  • Marketing: 0x844a255666f63f1F663Ac93dD876F8Aa584830Ff

  • Reserves: 0x7F2D099410B26219475fA54405736425411f5a06

Vesting Contracts

  • Marketing: 0x2e92c456278D77558723ca263c713B5D30520a39

  • Team: 0x8eba1aD289f5e6c50D2f924E17cC8dd607B3C083

  • Reserves: 0x0F45883CDBE2B4D9cF79c823509112028DA0C857

  • Bootstrap: 0xc0747a27c6fa20effba2937419647e976f111611

Last updated